November 10th, a date etched in the hearts and minds of the United States Marine Corps and its supporters, is a day of pride, tradition, and unyielding dedication to duty. It’s the Marine Corps Birthday, a celebration of valor, commitment, and the embodiment of the Marine Corps’ motto, “Semper Fidelis” (Always Faithful).
In Year 2023, Marine Corps Birthday is on 10 Nov, Friday Type: Observance

A Storied Legacy
The United States Marine Corps was established on November 10, 1775, during the American Revolution. The Second Continental Congress authorized the formation of two battalions of Marines to serve as landing forces for the recently formed Continental Navy. Led by Captain Samuel Nicholas, these early Marines demonstrated their mettle in numerous battles, including the first-ever amphibious assault in American history.
Since then, the Marine Corps has been at the forefront of American military history, serving with distinction in conflicts from the halls of Tripoli in the Barbary Wars to the sands of Iwo Jima during World War II, and the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan in recent times.
Traditions That Bind
The Marine Corps is renowned for its rich traditions and history. One of the most iconic traditions associated with the Marine Corps Birthday is the reading of Marine Corps Order 47. This order, issued by Commandant John A. Lejeune in 1921, eloquently reminds Marines of their storied heritage, their responsibility to uphold the honor of the Corps, and the bond that unites them.
Another cherished tradition is the cutting of the Marine Corps Birthday Cake. The first piece of cake is given to the oldest Marine present, who then passes it to the youngest Marine. This symbolizes the passing of wisdom and experience from one generation to the next.
Marine units around the world celebrate the occasion with formal balls, where Marines and their guests don their finest attire to commemorate the birth of their Corps. These balls typically include the reading of General Lejeune’s message, as well as other customs such as the “ceremonial dance” of the cake-cutting ceremony.
A Day to Reflect and Reconnect
The Marine Corps Birthday is not only about celebrating the past but also about reflecting on the present and the future. Marines take the opportunity to renew their commitment to the core values of the Marine Corps – honor, courage, and commitment. It’s a time for camaraderie and brotherhood, when Marines come together to honor their shared journey and the enduring spirit of the Corps.
A Proud and Grateful Nation
The Marine Corps Birthday isn’t just a day for Marines; it’s a moment for the entire nation to express gratitude. Americans from all walks of life recognize the sacrifices and service of these brave men and women, who stand ready to defend their nation, uphold its ideals, and protect the freedoms cherished by all.
The Marine Corps Birthday serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by Marines, from the battlefield to the homefront. It’s a day to honor the families who support them, the veterans who have served, and the active-duty Marines who continue to bear the torch of “Semper Fidelis.”
The Marine Corps Birthday is a time-honored tradition that embodies the spirit of the United States Marine Corps. It is a day to celebrate the dedication, courage, and integrity of these warriors, who have shaped history and continue to serve as the nation’s “first to fight.” The legacy of the Marine Corps is not only a source of immense pride but a testament to the unwavering commitment to duty, honor, and country. On this special day, the nation joins the Marine Corps in saying, “Happy Birthday, and Semper Fidelis!”